APTACO Partner Membership

APTA Colorado's Partner Members are defined as companies that supply services or products to physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, students and PT Clinics. Admission to Partner Member status in APTACO is not an endorsement of a Partner Member’s services or products by APTACO. Anyone utilizing the services or products of APTACO’s Partner Members should make an independent evaluation of the skills, quality, services and products being offered. 

Partner members pay $400 annually
(membership term July 1 - June 30)

Benefits of Partner Membership:

  • Exhibit at APTACO's annual conference at the discounted member rate.
  • One free advertisement per year about products, services or company news in the APTACO Community. May include photos, graphics and links. Limited to 200 words. 
  • Your logo and link to your company's website rotating at the bottom of each page of APTACO's website.
  • Listing in our Partner Member Directory.
  • Regular email notifications on the latest happenings in the Colorado physical therapy community and industry.
  • Membership to our newly created Forum of Partner Members. Forum members can contribute to the Best Practices Forum (accessible to members only) and also advise the programming committee on education.

Click to Join as a Partner Member Today!